Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Multiplication Strategies

Walt : use a variety of multiplication strategies to solve problems

I was able to use repeated addition by counting how many groups there were and how many were in each group.  I was also able to use the distributive strategy by using my 1x, 2, 5x, 10, because I was able to split the groups of 7 into groups of 5 and 2.

I get confused using PVP strategy because sometimes I struggle to split the numbers into the place value eg. 15 into a 10 and 5.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mini I am really pleased with your effort in maths this term. You have tried very hard to use different multiplication strategies.

Next up will be division strategies. Keep working hard.

Anonymous said...

Awww... super super proud of you, keep up the good work hun, maybe I should test you when we go shopping and you spend all of my money... lol