Friday, 1 December 2017

Precious McKenzie

WALT: edit my Precious McKenzie writing independently to identify my errors and get my work ready for Book Creator publishing

I was able to do some research about Precious McKenzie and also I was able to identify and find my errors in my work without a buddy checking my work.

I found this activity exciting and hard at the same time because I had no idea who Precious McKenzie is or what Precious McKenzie was famous for. 

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

John Pule Art - Reflection Mini

            This is my reflection on my John Pule Art that I created for our art exhibition.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Decimals Mental Strategy and Written Strategy

Walt : use a variety of strategies to solve addition problems that involve decimal numbers.

My Reflection:
I was able to convert and fractions and by changing 2.3 to 2.30 and rename the decimal to a fraction and put the numbers in line with each other.

Next time I need to work on drawing two lines after the answer and keep the numbers and decimal points in a strait line.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Dance - Celebrations

Walt : understand that people celebrate in different ways

I was able to work with my group and do research dances the most hardest part was to find out some videos and pictures that suited the dances.

I found this just a bit hard because we had to find the pictures and videos that match the name of the the celebrations but at least we worked as a group as succeeded and work well as a group and I am glad that we worked well together.

Next time we will try to add more information and use more information and different dances that we don´t know about dances and be more specific with our dances.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Ghost - Making a Prediction

WALT:I am learning to make prediction based on the cover and blurb of Ghost by Jason Reynolds

I was able to figure out five facts about Jason Reynolds and it was tricky to find out what was the purpose of the background was.

I found this a little bit tricky because the questions made me a little bit confused and it was also confusing when you had to think of a expectation to find out in the book.

Next time I could use more information about Jason Reynolds and also include more clearly words and be more specific with my words.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Usain Bolt

Walt : locate and evaluate information about Usain Bolt on the internet

My Reflection:
I was able to find facts and use my knowledge by finding information about Usain Bolt and do research I found it hard to do research because most of the facts are the same.

I found this hard because I am not very advanced at researching on the internet and about Usain Bolt also I am not use to be doing research about someone I have not heard about.

Next time I could be more specific about the facts and use more information about it and use longer sentences.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Matariki Celebration - Phases of the Moon

Walt : accurately identify and organise the phases of the moon.
My Reflection:
 I was able to learn the names of the moons and I also thought of how the moon was getting described and I was also think improving on the moon because the way it was getting described.

I also learnt that the moon includes Matariki because it happens after the winter solstice and it forms
into a new moon and also I learnt that the moons in different countries are different.

Next time I think I could learn more information about the moon and I will look up at the at night time every time.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Misery Guts

Walt: make justified predictions from the scanning of the cover, title and blurb

My Reflection:

I was able to compare the covers by looking at the most common cover then looking at the different one, the second one was completely different compared to the first one because the first one had detail of the buildings and a boy with a paint brush in his hand and the second cover had just a fish and boys on the cover. The picture and the cover gave me a little bit of a confusion and the cover did help me a little bit and I made interesting predictions such as a boy painting the shop bright orange to make his parents happy and fish getting sold as pets.

Next time I could try making predictions before I use the blurb 

A-Z Celebrations

'                                                                    My Reflection:
I think this was fun and a little bit hard because some of the letters not confusing but it was difficult to find the celebrations for me. I  but I am still working on my celebrations. I was working with Haylee and Reuben. I still need to discuss what we need to do with the rest of the alphabet

I found this activity a little bit hard because some of the letters were confusing but I will try my hardest to finish it and do my best as I can luckily I will be able to finish it.

My Word Clarification Sheet

WALT:look on our own for new words to increase the amount of words we understand

                                                     My Reflection:

I was able to write words that I'm not sure of into my Clarification Sheet during SSR

I found this tricky because some of these words I could not find meanings to when I was reading the book but I did search what the meanings are and use them in my own words

Next time I will be more specific with explaining what the word means and I could try really hard and find the meanings well I am reading along the book.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Camp Merc

Mar 17, 2017 2:09:02 PM.jpg

My Reflection:

It was fun because I got a chance to go abseiling and the other reason is because I love heights also I enjoyed Stack ' em because it includes stacking.

It was tricky to do Stack ' em because if you stand stright you get a saw back it was pretty hard to get some sleep and to walk around  because people's stuff were on the ground and every where.

My Kennings Poem

WALT: distinguish between relevant and irrelevant ideas for my Kenning's Poem


I was able to put relevant ideas into my Kenning's poem by putting relevant  things about myself into my Kenning's Poem

Next time I could use different relevant idea's to describe myself

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Around the world celebrations

Birthday Celebrations
Walt : identify and understand the different ways that birthdays are celebrated around the world.

My Reflection:

I was able to challenge myself by doing a country that I have experience

I found it a bit challenging because I have not much of experience with France I have spoke french but not experienced it.

Next time I could pick less complicated country that's not simple but just right for me

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Multiplication Strategies

Walt : use a variety of multiplication strategies to solve problems

I was able to use repeated addition by counting how many groups there were and how many were in each group.  I was also able to use the distributive strategy by using my 1x, 2, 5x, 10, because I was able to split the groups of 7 into groups of 5 and 2.

I get confused using PVP strategy because sometimes I struggle to split the numbers into the place value eg. 15 into a 10 and 5.

Monday, 12 June 2017

The Flax Flyer

Walt : recognize and understand specific language features eg. factual and persuasive language

I was able to recognize and understand specific language features

Next time I could have more specific language features that actually make's sense for the reader

The Bat

Walt : link ideas (implicit and explicit) in the story to help me develop a greater understanding


I was able to use the clues in the story to help me get a better understanding of what I am reading eg. they were hidden, I had to be a detective.

Next time I could look for easier clues and use for information to describe the characters.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Birthday Now and Then

WALT: Compare and contrast birthdays

I was able to compare and contrast birthdays 2017 and 1967

Next time I will think more ideas so I can compare more

Quotation Marks

     My Reflection:

Walt : use a wide range of advanced punctuation correctly

I was able to identify what parts of my writing was  speaking so I know when to use quotation marks consistently.

Next time need to remember to use quotation marks all the time because sometimes I forgot to use then for all the speaking parts in my story.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Camp Merc Acrostic Poem

        Walt: edit my work independently to identify errors and get my work ready for publishing

I was able to make changes to my work and put year 6 words.

Next time I could work bye myself and correct my spelling on my own.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017


Walt : display data on histogram, tally chart
Walt : interpret information from histograms and tally marks eg. medium, mode, range, mean

I was able to put the name score information into a histogram and I used tally marks.
I found this a bit difficult so I had some help from my maths buddy Emma.

  • The range for first names score was 4 to 20.
  • The range last name scores it was 2 to 21.
  • The range for full name score 9-31.
Next time I will ask my teacher for help when I need it or my maths buddy because I found some of the working out difficult.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

45 Letters Sounds

Walt : identify different letter sounds

Friday, 10 February 2017

10 Things You need to Know about Me

Walt : use advanced punctuation

We have learning how to use bullet points correctly in my 10 Things About Me slideshow.  I learnt you need to :
  • Place the bullet point in the margin.
  • Use a capital letter after the bullet point.
  • If you have written a sentence, end it with a punctuation eg. fullstop.
  • Bullet points are used to create lists.
  • Find the bullet points icon on the right hand side at top of the tool bar called bullet lists.
  • You need to be in a text box to get bullet points
Next time I will try and use bullet points in more of writing.

Can you guess which of my information is true and which is a lie ?

Friday, 3 February 2017

Welcome Post

My Reflection:
This year I'm feeling I'm really excited and nervous a bit.   I am looking forward to camp and meet new people.  I am also looking forward to etc and to do my jobs.  I am excited because I get to experience new things

One of my goals are.....

  • to be a awesome roll model 
  • to get 100 gold ticks
  • follow the school rules
  • to be a digikid